Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Primary and Secondary Research for Short Film

Primary research:

The primary research that I have done is my location recce on the (lab) I am going to use for my short film. Here is the link to my blog post including my recce.

When is my short film set?

My film is set in the present as I want it to be very realistic and relatable to today's times. Although because my story is based around science, there are going to be very modern technologies that might come across quite futuristic, however this is the case even now in the present day. Also I think the formula discovery would come across more incredible, as this could happen in real life with the advanced equipment and technologies that we now how. Whereas in the future it might not be that fantastic, as they may already have alternative to fossil fuels.

Secondary research:

Within the scenario for my short film, a scientist discovers a formula that could change the world. This could be the answer to making renewable energy and would no longer need the use of fossil fuels. However, this could cause a lot of problems for other countries who depend on selling their fossil fuels to other countries like England and would cause them to miss out on a lot of money. This could then result in their country losing their main source of income and could severely effect the countries way of living and could even make their government go bankrupt.

I have done some research into cold fusion to help me understand the topic further. I have watched a few videos on Youtube explaining what cold fusion is, and a short definition is a nuclear fusion usually occurring at room temperature. Here is a link to the clip I watched on cold fusion.

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