Here is the short film:
Act 1- in this act it shows the one actress that is featured in this film. It shows her as the first character and is represented as a well educated, intelligent girl, who is overall represented as being a typical, innocent girl.
First Tipping Point- when the girl pulls out the photo of her father.
Act 2- here, it shows the character missing her father, this is shown in the photo that she is holding. It shows the fact that she does not blame him and still loves him because of the messages on the back of the picture. It also introduces the same actress and character, but with a different mind-set, hence the title 'Different Paths'.
Second Tipping Point- the appearance of the second character who has a more edgy, rebellious look.
Act 3- finally, it shows the character with the more negative mind-set, where the character is more anger and hurt by her fathers disappearance rather than just sadness. This is also represented by on the back of the picture and when she starts to get angry/annoyed.
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