Thursday, 10 November 2016

Business Side of Publishing

There are three main stages in the book production process;

  • Copy-editing- this involves reviewing the manuscript for grammar, spelling mistakes and consistency.
  • Book page design and layout- this is where an overall design direction for the book is created and a prototype is printed.
  • Book printing, binding and shipping- books are printed and stapled or bound, then books are packed and shipped.
The potential set backs that I could come across during this process would be either a spelling mistake or a grammar issue in the first stages of production, however this can easily be resolved and sent back with the corrections made. Also when a prototype is made, there could be a problem with the design element of the book, or a layout error where the printer cuts off the sides. This again can be corrected by having another sample copy made, until I am happy with the final book.

I have researched that it is best to publish a book under your publishing company rather than under your name. This is because it grants you legal and financial protection and this means that money cannot be taken from you personally and instead your company if anything goes wrong.

Ways you can get your book sold in a well-known book store;

Pay a substantial amount of money to have your book on their shelves.

^ Taken from another blog linked here.

Although, you can register to have your book on an online book shop like Amazon. However a lot of actual book shops do now request to go through their head office. Below I have another screenshot form a website linked here.

This shows my research on the process of getting your book into a well known book shop.

Other ways I can get my book out there are on online shops and having simple advertising on social media sites and maybe a video ad on youtube for the promotion of my book. This would also spread the word and eventually if people buy the book online, they can write reviews.

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