SWOT No.1-
- Overall looks professional
- Lots of vibrant and good quality images
- Fits with the high end theme
- Include more detailed articles- more variety
- Only a 16 page magazine
- Also can read magazine on a digital format
- Target audience interested in new trends
- Can present in end of year show
- Competitors have a series of issues already
- Could have problems with the printing process due to expenses
The second piece of work I have chosen to analyse is my perfume website project. Here are some screenshots below:
SWOT No.2-
- Overall looks professional
- Has both desktop and mobile version
- Includes hover states for good user experience
- Mobile version is a little bit small
- Product page looks better than homepage
- Top panel too simple
- Can be used on two platforms
- Can present in end of year show
- Competitors have a more interactive website with videos etc
- Technical issues could occur
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