Thursday, 29 December 2016

Consideration of Accessibility

Accessibility is creating and designing materials that are suitable and therefore accessible for people with disabilities. For example if someone is colour blind or has dyslexia, may find it difficult to follow certain texts.

In my 60's fashion project I have showed consideration for those who struggle with a disability like the ones I have listed above. This is because I have not used green or red text on top of each other, as this could be very difficult for someone with colour blindness to read. I have also not wrote any technical words or phrases for someone with dyslexia or limited vocabulary might not understand. Along with this I have included an index at the back of the book, so if there is a word that the reader does not understand, it will be explained here.

Also I have used lots of visual elements to my book including; images, moving gifs, links and even Youtube videos. This could really help someone to understand and interpret the text and the information I am trying to get across. As well a being actually interactive and fun!

I have previously wrote a short essay on accessibility on Google docs, click here to read more.

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