Friday, 2 December 2016

Cover Design Update

Yesterday's design layouts that I created wasn't quite what I wanted my cover to look like, so I decided to give it another go and try some more possible options. This is a link to my old trial designs to see what I started with:

Below is a screenshot of all of the designs again and the new ones that I have created:

Here is a closer look at the ones I added:

I think my favourite layouts are the top two Twiggy covers. This is because it actually relates to the 60's, as Twiggy is a very recognisable model and instantly represents the 60's era. She was also considered a fashion icon of the day, which also relates greatly to the topic of my book.

I also quite like the last design as it does almost look like it was actually made in the 60's and does look old fashioned, whereas the others look a little bit more modern. I would however, try a few more colour options with this design, as I think it could look better in a different colour palette.

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