The feedback from my first leaflet draft was overall okay, however there were a few things that needed to be changed. For example, the client on the whole didn't like the colour scheme and said it looked very dark and dull. I understood this comment, however this was mostly because of the printer quality and because of this, it did not help with the presentation of my design.
One element of my leaflet that the client really liked, was the map and how it was shown in a circle. This linked in with the majority of the maps around Bath, which makes it very recognisable to local residents and possible customers of the museum.
For my second draft, I am going to change the colours slightly, as well as brightening the cover image of my leaflet. I am also changing the transparent coloured blocks, as this looks a bit messy and unprofessional. Instead I will use flat colours, which will stand out a lot more and overall improve the dull colouring.
Here a small example below of the changes that have been made so far on my leaflet:
The original is on the left and the updated version is on the right. This design looks a lot more bold and eye catching, making the leaflet look more attractive to the target audience.
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