Friday, 3 March 2017

Response Mechanism

A response mechanism is a method that companies use for consumers to get in touch, as a response without any pressure. For example most of the letters you get in the post have a reply mechanism, just like if you are due an eye examination appointment. The letter will give you many options to get back in touch throughout and to encourage the consumer to book with them again. Often these are personalised, also making consumers more likely to respond. This method also allows consideration and time for the consumer and does not use sales pressure like other methods would.

A response mechanism I can use for my leaflet, is to use my final draft and put it on display amongst other MOBAW leaflets. This way the audience are under no pressure at which leaflet to pick up, but instead takes the one that stands out and sparks their attention. Eventually you can then determine which design was the most popular, from the amount that is left. On the other hand, this would be quite difficult to record and may come across set backs with this system. However, to extend this even further, the museum could record the amount of people who come in with the leaflet and specifically, which one was chosen. This way you can conclude that the audience have liked the leaflet and museum enough to actually come and visit, making it a response to the leaflet.

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