Three things that food and drink adverts cannot include, is if the advert encourages unhealthy eating in children. They also can't include the encouragement of excessive eating of the adverts specific food or drink item. The last example that they cannot do is include misleading information of the nutritional aspects of their product, as this would be seen as being dishonest to the public and this is something the ASA regulates to make sure that advertisements are honest and truthful.
Three examples that children featuring adverts cannot include, is encouraging children to do activities that are considered unsafe or dangerous for children to perform. Another example would be to not include children in adverts in a sexual way, as this is inappropriate. Finally adverts should not include the idea of encouraging children to be a nuisance to their parents or others, as this can influence children to act in a certain way which is wrong and could lead to children being misled.
The case study that I have chose to describe is the American Apparel advertisement that was banned in 2012. It was banned because people complained that fact that the model on the image looked quite young and this was an issue as it was seen as sexualising a child, which is offensive and irresponsible. The advert showed a young looking girl led on an armchair, wearing only a baggy jumper, knickers and knee length socks. Here is the advertisement: