Monday, 5 October 2015

Kerning and Tracking

Kerning is simply adjusting the spaces between the characters in a piece of text, this is used to achieve a more visually pleasing effect. It can also make the text clearer because some fonts can be too close together and when made smaller, can look very squashed and unprofessional. This is where kerning is needed, to make the text readable and clear.

Tracking is quite similar however it increases or decreases the spaces between the whole word/text, instead of just in-between each individual character like kerning. This can again make the text easier to read.

Here is the example on kerning and tracking that i created on Indesign.

I created this by simply clicking in-between two letters for kerning or highlighting the whole word for tracking. These are the buttons that I pressed after the step above, the top one is for kerning and the bottom one is tracking. Next I either pressed the top arrow to increase the space, or the bottom arrow to decrease the space.