On Illustrator I have learnt a variety of different skills from creating this poster, including; using the shape tool, pen tool, art board creator, inserting a clipping mask, changing font, colour and size, plus more. Also I learnt how to get any image and trace it, so it can be used on my poster. For example I searched for a picture of a gun and used the pen tool to draw round the edges to create an outline, that way I am not just inserting a picture.
The hierarchy of this poster is the monster as you see it first, this is because it covers the majority of the poster and is very clearly seen. However the close second is definitely the title 'Spy' because it is so large and bold. This is a good thing because people would know straight away what the film is about from the posters title.
I chose pale green for the background colour of my poster because it is quite subtle and non distracting. Although I did use a darker green on the background as well because it creates more of a contrast and makes the poster visually interesting.
For the text I chose 'Stencil' because it is very bold and eye catching. I also made the font 165pt, which is very large, again to make the title of the film stand out. Whereas for the release date I used a different font and size because if I used the same one, it would be unintelligible as it would of been too bold for its size.
Nice job Lucy, your monster turned out great. I like your colour scheme, your triangle in the background leads the eye down to the release date which is good. One tip would be to use two contrasting fonts or use the same one for both type elements instead two that are quite similar. Over all well done.