Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Requirements of the Brief

The brief contains five main sections, the first of which is analysing the requirements of the brief and the early stages of creating an idea and topic research. It also includes workflows and schedules, so the time I have to complete my FMP is organised and well planned out. This will also assist in making sure work is finalised by deadlines and up to date.

The second section is the more detailed research including primary and secondary. It involves the actual collection of information and also includes going to location or event to aid further research. For this I am going to visit Bristol Fashion Week to get an idea of what styles and trends are in fashion and to gain an understanding of what fashion I should include within my related FMP.

I would put together a survey on Google Forms and post it on Facebook to give me an idea of the demographics and target audience of my chosen topic. For my secondary research I can look through books, magazine, articles and websites on the internet to see what others have wrote about the topic and to make sure to reference them in the process. Also writing blogposts reflecting on the research I have accumulated and how I can reference my research using the Harvard format.

Whereas the third section is about the interpretation of the research and how this is going to help me with deciding my final topic for my FMP. I have to create a presentation clearly representing my aims for this project and showcase what I am going to create. This includes the delivery of my pitch and also the reflection on how it went and what could be improved so far within the pre production process.

The fourth section covers a production schedule, which includes detailed targets and goals. It also involves a budget for my project, for example the cost of materials, publishing/print cost, etc. Make sure to have permission forms for the use of locations and suitable models selected. As well as producing vlogs on my production decisions and to continue to blog, documenting my progress and updated reflections.

The final segment is very much the evaluating element of the project, it also comprises of an explanation of how my finish product reflects where I started at the beginning of the process and if my ideas have changed. I have to then create a blog post with combined evaluating questions, for example; what went well, what I found challenging, what would I do differently and finally if I am happy with the final result.

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