I think this toy project has gone well because I have enjoyed working in pairs when coming up with unique toy ideas. I have also enjoyed the design element of creating the corresponding poster to our toy idea, here is a link to my poster blog post. Although at the very early stages of the brain storming process, was quite difficult when coming up for a completely different construction toy idea that has not been thought of before.
As far as the toy research, I went to Hawkins Bazaar to see what the toy phase is at the moment and if there is anything on the market that is similar to our 'Watch Craft' toy idea. I also looked online to see if I could find a build a watch kit and nothing came up that was aimed for a younger audience and was instead a very expensive and complicated kit for adult watches. This confirmed that the idea we came up with was to go ahead.
When it came to the animation element of this project, I found the task quite difficult as it is very challenging to make a sequence look smooth and professional. Here is a link to my animation so far blog post.
Something I would do differently if I was given this task again, is to organise before a few starting layout designs for my animation. This would ensure that I have an idea already of how to get started, without wasting time producing other designs on Flash over again and then deleting them. I would also make sure to keep up to date with blog posts every week, so that I am keeping a record of how far I have got on certain stages of the project. It is also helps publishing updates, so that it demonstrates my progress throughout the tasks and how I can improve next time.
Funny, isn't it, how something as 'easy' as a toy become tricky when you're on the authoring end.