Thursday, 2 February 2017

Music Flyer

For this task we had an outside brief from the music department. This was to create a music flyer advertising the new University level HNC music course. We were given a sheet with the relevant information on that we could include within the flyer, I could then present this how I wanted.

The image below was the first draft that I came up with. I used the college brand colours to keep it tied in with the college, as well as putting the main benefits of the course clearly on the front, which could attract students and make them want to sign up. Finally I used a suitable picture that straight away indicates the topic of the flyer.

I then got some constructive criticism on the design layout of my flyer and the feedback was:

-Great image 
-Good colour scheme
-Do not like central text
-Title font too formal
-Little bit dull

The client also said that a mix of both mine and Meg's flyer would be great, so Meg and I collaborated and worked together to combine our layouts to create the desired look. We came up with a couple of options for the client to chose from using elements from our original designs.

Above are the finished results. The colours look a lot more vibrant and the text is very clearly laid out, the title is large and bold and therefore eye-catching and accessible. The client really likes the new designs and the final decision on which flyer wins is yet to be announced.

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