Thursday, 6 April 2017

FMP- Issues and Resolutions

In this blog post I am going to identify some of the issues that I may encounter during the researching process, and how I can fix them. One that comes to mind immediately, involves my visit to the after school club for my focus group and if I can complete in time for the deadline. If there is an issue with this, I have come up with a solution. I am going to put together a series of questions that I would like to ask and also create a worksheet of some sort that the children can fill in. These questions and worksheets can just be emailed to the headteacher of the school and could be asked by someone who works there. This would mean that I would not need to be present and therefore would save a lot of time, I can then present the research findings as usual.

An issue that I could encounter with the questionnaires, is feedback from an irrelevant target audience. For example, if I am posting these surveys on social media sites, there is no way of knowing who is completing them and if their results will be useful for my research. Also the fact that my main target audience is of the younger age range, I have very few friends under the age of 16. With this issue there isn't really a solution as such, however I can still use this method because my next target audience is adults/parents and social media is a good way of connecting and would help me to gather feedback from this market.

Technical issues that I might come across would be anything that could go wrong with my photography equipment during the shoot. This would be a pretty easy solution and would involve going back to college and asking for some technical help and possibly borrow a new equipment.

If any issues un-predicted occur during the process, I will have an update blog post which will include my progress and any problems that I came across.

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