After gathering and presenting my research, I am going to outline how useful I found it when progressing on to the next stage. Because of many issues with the research at the beginning of the process (as mentioned in the previous research blog post and assignment 2 screencast) I completed the research at a later date.
The results that I accumulated from my interviews helped me with the understanding of both the parents and the child's view on social media. This then allowed me to create three different poster layouts that would attract the attention of both target audiences. This is because I found out that both audiences pay attention to awareness ads/posters in and around school, especially on serious and powerful subjects such as cyberbullying.
I think this research has helped me with what to actually create, rather than the design element of the process as neither interviewee's had experience with design and layout. A lot of the template design layouts that I created was simply from the ideas that I already had. What I mean by this, is that it was useful to find out whether to create more posters or online ads.
I have also made an experimentations and progress blog post, where I carried out a few tests and experiments on what I had already designed. This helped me a lot as I discovered which layout was the most liked and why. I am currently still continuing with this process now.
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