Thursday, 27 April 2017

FMP- Progress and Development

This is an updating blog post on the progress and development I have made. Now I have my final photographs, I can add them into my template layout designs and see how they fit in with my slogans. I have also edited a lot of the images in Adobe Photoshop, trialling out different edits and filters that match with the theme of my adverts. For example, I chose to have a fairly dark, dimmed lighting set up throughout most of the photos, as I want the overall feel of the adverts to connote sadness, hurt and upset. This is because it will get me the most emotional response with my target audience and will make the theme more powerful and rememberable. Because of this, I will be effectively raising awareness on cyber bullying and the possible effects on the victims that are caused by this.

I have included two of the edited images below:

After the editing process, I inserted my favourite images into the templates that I have previously designed. This gave me an idea of what my final adverts may look like, I decided to change a few things around after doing so. I have included some more screenshots below of my progress up to this point:

This is what my final posters are going to look like. There may be a few small changes in the mean time, however this will be the design and overall look of the adverts.

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