Tuesday, 16 February 2016

My Cold Fusion Film Reflection

I think the production of my film went well, as I had organised when and where I was filming within the timetable of the rest of my group. For example booking when I could film in the science lab and arranging members of my group to meet on Tuesdays to do so. Although I got the actual production of my film completed fairly quickly, I couldn't go onto editing straight away, as I was acting in various other films for my peers. In hindsight I would have made sure I had given myself enough time to edit and to act, so that I could spend longer adding other techniques to my edit such as fades instead of quick cuts.

I do however, think my project was successful as I have completed the whole narrative of my story in the film, and have included everything that I wanted within the film. My final short film turned out to be 3 and a half minutes, so I probably could have been a bit more strict with myself when cutting out unnecessary clips and shortening certain scenes.

I also got some feedback from my peers and did this by getting them to watch my film and for them to feedback on their views and opinions on the overall execution of my short film. Summer said that she liked my camera angles and enjoyed the humorous side to the narrative. She also said that the music suits the theme well and thought it was clever how I filmed all the scenes in the same location.

What I would do differently, is make the narrative a bit less complex so that I could focus more on the effect/intensity of the film. Rather than just trying to fit every aspect of the storyline in 3 minutes. I think if I did this I would of had more time planning individual clips and angles, to make the film look more professional and to keep the target audiences interest throughout. I think that in parts of my film, it can come across quite boring as there is a lot of dialogue within every scene. This can sometimes make the audience loose interest, as the clips don't really vary enough.

As far as pre-production, I really liked my storyboards that I drew, as this helped me to gain an understanding of what shots would look best for certain scenes. I also think that my character descriptions helped with developing their personalities further and made it easier for the actors and actresses of my film to get into character.

Here are the some screenshots of my storyboards and character details:

My production team was very effective as we decided at the start who was going to film when, in our moving image lessons on Wednesday's. This made sure that we each booked equipment out when necessary on the correct days at which we were filming. We all worked well together and helped out in each others film, by either acting or ensuring lighting and microphones were set up/working correctly.

For my next project I would plan everything ahead of time and given myself longer for the editing process and not just the filming aspect of the production. I would also make sure that all post-production work was completed on time and to a high standard.

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